Frequently Asked Questions:
For an internationally recognized Diploma, why our school fee is so much lower compare to market norm?
We have designed a Learn and earn Apprenticeship program where students can earn their own school fees plus decent allowances with reputable industries which we carefully selected to co-train local talents while the students is learning this internationally recognized Diploma in Professional Cookery level 2 courses awarded by VTCT UK
Our program is also known as world famous Dual Training Scheme which is best for vocational education that is combination of professional theory and training embedded in real-life works environment to gain solid professional skills.
Through many years of observations, we noticed that quite a substantial number of students are deprived from following:-
- High school fees – some students need loan, some can’t even afford
- Excessive of theoretical teaching – Stress over too much of text book style studies
- Lack of proper industries training – Most diploma courses are end with few short months (3-6mths) “industries placement”, so most industries will assign them to do only very basic but voluminous works. Hence students unable to learn proper skill-set with substance. (Note: Normally this type of short placement is either no allowance or only very little allowance.)
Do we have theory base training?
Yes we do have, we provide 80% practical and 20% basic theory training guided by VTCT UK syllabus.
VTCT UK’s Diploma in Professional Cookery level 2 syllabuses is very focus on hands-on practical training.
Note: All cooking ingredients are included!
What is so special about our industries placement training?
We understand the real working environment learning is also very important; hence we select our industries partner very carefully. We partner with industries of same goal to co-train local talents together and groom them to excel in this talent highly sought-after market. We will sign MOU to ensure the well-being of student is taken care of. We also maintain a very effective communication platform between students, VTCA and industries to ensure our students learning quality is not compromised.
We strongly believed that hands-on vocational training such as Culinary Arts should not be costly as becoming financial burden especially at this beginning stage. Learn and earn program is the best option at this point because students can learn Culinary Arts with very minimal cost. Once completed this Learn and earn program with Diploma in Professional Cookery level awarded by VTCT UK, they are equipped with necessary skills and experiences.
There are so many vocational academy in the market, how to identify the RIGHT one?
Beware of those only focus on workers not talents
Ensure those college indeed provide proper diploma qualification (sample cert.)
Check the Units Code of those subjects provided
Is a proper professional cook book provided or just some loose notes?
Is there any unreasonable compensation contract required to sign?
During the industry training period, will the student earn any reasonable allowance?
During the industry training period, any classes arranged for students to continue study?
Note: Be cautious for becoming cheap labour, find out more authentic info and check for students up to date learning activities from its Facebook or Website.
Accreditation of Awarding Organization
All vocational qualification in England is regulated by Ofqual(The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) which regulate Qualification, Examination and Assessments in England.
Hence it is critical to ensure the particular Academy which offered the vocational qualification training has the right awarding organization because there are many such Academy in Malaysia using UK Colleges might not have the Ofqual
Please refer to this link for more info: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ofqual/about
Minimal Guided Learning Hours for different certifications
Under the UK Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF) guideline, each unit and qualification in the framework has a credit value (where one credit represents 10 hours of learning time). There are three different sizes of qualification:
1. awards ( 1 to 12 credits )
2. certificates ( 13 to 36 credits )
3. diplomas ( 37 credits or more ) = 370hrs
Note: The more the Guided Learning Hours (GLH) the merrier! 🙂
Some Academy might provide only 1 month in-house training and will send students to industry placement or worse still without any prior adequate in-house training provided to equip the students first.
Industries Placement
According to various feedback from renowned industries with same goal of co-train local talents, any placement that is less than 12 months is considered ineffective because of the willingness of the assigned industry to properly train the said student will be limited.
Another instance is placement to over sea countries such as Singapore is minimal one year.
Is there a MOU signed between the Academy and Industry to ensure students are properly trained and guided.
Any decent allowance paid?
During the placement period, is the student required to report back to Academy for further training and guidance?
How the Academy monitor the progress and well-being of students during industry placement?