Why pay more if there’s much better option for better quality world class diploma?
The above markets comparison table compared with others colleges with similar level of accreditation qualification show that VTCA provides a most affordable option to study world class qualification which combined with good industries apprenticeship to gain best learning results for students.
Students or Parents who are looking for ideal culinary vocational diploma course for the good of their children, we are strongly advice to come and find out more for your own benefits and understand how VTCA can help our youngsters nowadays or even adults who still have no clue what to do or learn yet.
Feel free to visit for more understanding 🙂
Albert Eistein said “any fool can know. The point is to understand”
Mengapa perlu membayar lebih jika terdapat pilihan yang lebih baik untuk diploma bertaraf dunia yang lebih berkualiti?
Perbandingan Pasaran Kursus Diploma Antarabangsa UK yg sedia ada di markets kini:
Untuk Warganegara Malaysia Sahaja
VTCA ialah Vocational education untuk kemahiran melalui Learn and earn Apprenticeship Program (LEAP)
Di bawah Program Perantisan Belajar dan Jana Pendapatan (LEAP), pelajar hanya perlu membayar yuran yang sangat minimum untuk memperoleh Diploma Antarabangsa UK yang diiktiraf serta pengalaman dan kemahiran industri yang kukuh pada masa yang sama.
VTCA telah menjemput banyak kumpulan F&B yang ternama untuk bersama-sama membimbing bakat tempatan.
Untuk Warganegara Malaysia Sahaja
~ Why pay more if can simultaneously learn and earn it? ~
Sila datang visit untuk manfaatnya!